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From Concepts to Reality

Intercax Pioneers in Engineering

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Digital Thread in Energy, Infrastructure and Environment

From Urban Planning to Smart Grid Design and Infrastructure Management – Digital Thread for Infrastructure.

We present an overview of the industry, its current challenges, the role of digital threads, and how industry professionals are leveraging Syndeia to develop systems that are more efficient, quicker, and precise. This is followed by related blog posts from Intercax SMEs, offering additional resources. 


As urban infrastructure is set to grow significantly in the next few decades, the need for better understanding and integration of both natural and man-made systems becomes crucial for achieving energy and environmental sustainability. The ability to combine engineering models—such as those for power generation, water flow, and emissions—with economic models of energy demand and remediation costs is essential for a comprehensive and disciplined approach to societal challenges. Systems engineering plays a critical role in balancing technology, economics, and the environment, while also prioritizing resilience to both natural and human-made disruptions.

The role of Digital Thread

The integration of diverse models using digital thread technology enables comprehensive trade studies and optimization by exploring complex interactions across systems. This approach has been applied to watershed management, utility planning, and sustainable manufacturing. A key area of promise is urban infrastructure modeling, where a digital thread links transportation, energy, and waste management models with economic, social, and environmental impact models, providing quantitative planning tools for cities and local governments. In the energy sector, digital thread plays a vital role in designing and simulating Smart Grid systems and in deploying and integrating alternative energy sources.


How Intercax helps You

 In infrastructure projects, the ability to model the construction and operation of systems is as crucial as their design. By connecting project management tools with design and simulation platforms, Syndeia enhances communication and facilitates continuous review throughout the development process. Its powerful visualization and query capabilities provide comprehensive insights across the entire system model, helping identify vulnerabilities and unexpected behaviors early, ultimately improving system reliability and performance.



Syndeia™ is the digital thread platform for model-based engineering. It enables engineering teams to collaboratively and concurrently develop and manage a digital thread for any complex system/product.

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ParaMagic® plugin for MagicDraw makes SysML models come alive! By executing constraint relationships in SysML parametric diagrams, systems engineers can run simulations and trade studies for complex systems from concept through final test.

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Advanced Support

Our Support plans are designed to give you the right mix of tools and access to expertise so that you can be successful with Intercax Syndeia while optimizing performance, managing risk, and keeping costs under control.

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Digital Engineering Projects

Digital Thread and Digital Engineering Services from Intercax are designed for organizations that need to accelerate integrated digital engineering for their systems and programs.

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Syndeia Training Program

Intercax is dedicated to ensuring that Syndeia users gain a comprehensive understanding of the digital thread platform's capabilities. We provide live, online, instructor-led training sessions throughout the year. 

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Blog Posts

Intercax has published a Technote on MBSE for the Energy Industry, with SysML models in several formats available for download.

MBSE for Urban Systems | Part 1 - Introduction

MBE For Energy Industry | Part 3

Part 1 and Part 2 of this blog series have focused on the SysML models of energy systems (and system-of-systems). In this part (Part 3), we will describe the MBE graphs created ...
Dirk Zwemer

MBE for the Energy Industry | Part 2

Introduction It is common to say that “Everything is a System” or even “a System-of-Systems”, but the consequences of that are becoming increasingly alarming to the energy ...
Dirk Zwemer

MBE for the Energy Industry | Part 1

Introduction The energy industry faces a variety of difficult issues:
Dirk Zwemer


Syndeia includes features that will accelerate concurrent digital engineering for mission-critical products and systems, all powered by enterprise-scale digital threads.

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What is MBSE ?

Modern engineering uses computer models and systems engineering (SE) is following this pattern. The basis of Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) is that the system can be captured in a single unified computer model, a single source of truth from which all required SE views and artifacts can be generated. Good MBSE practices can reduce errors and ambiguity, shorten development times, and improve collaboration between disciplines.