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Registrations now Open

All live online classes will only be open to team members at organizations holding Silver and Gold Support packages or Syndeia Site Licenses, who may take any or all of the course sequence. They will need to pre-register individually below.

Registrations are now OPEN for the Syndeia training program starting on August 16th 2023!

At Intercax, we want you to succeed. Our support plans are designed to give you the right mix of tools and access to expertise so that you can succeed with Syndeia while optimizing performance, managing risk, and keeping costs under control.

Intercax offers 3 Support Plans:

  1. Standard Support

  2. Silver Premium Annual Support

  3. Gold Premium Annual Support

The 3 Plans are described in the table below.

Standard Support is included for all Intercax customers and includes:

  • Online technical support via Helpdesk

  • Online access to Syndeia training materials

  • Technical support response time within 48 hrs

  • Unlimited support participation and engagement

  • Issue management using Atlassian Jira Support Desk

Silver and Gold Support Includes:

  • Priority access to live training classes (others first come, first serve)

  • Architecture guidance 

  • Priority triage to SME within 8 hours and focused attention to provide recommendations within 24 hours

  • A designated Technical Account Manager proactively monitors your support needs and assists with expedited access to Intercax expertise.

  • Priority access to service packs and new releases

Standard Support Silver Premium Annual Support Gold Premium Annual Support
Ideal when? You are evaluating or lightly using Syndeia. You have production workflow in Syndeia. You are customizing workflow for business and/or mission critical workloads in Syndeia.
Live technical support via web conferencing When offered by Intercax Support Specialist Provided when requested by subscriber using plan hours. Provided when requested by subscriber using plan hours.
Live, online, standard training Curriculum (offered by senior Intercax Syndeia subject-matter experts on key capabilities). Active Syndeia users are covered under standard support and encouraged to register. Given the demand and class size limits, Silver and Gold Premium Support and site license customers receive priority access Included and does not consume plan hours. Included and does not consume plan hours.
Live, online, custom training sessions (offered by senior Intercax Syndeia subject-matter experts on suggested topic) Not included. 2 (two) 2-hour sessions when requested by subscriber using plan hours. 3 (three) 2-hour sessions when requested by subscriber using plan hours.
Live, onsite customer visits (offered by senior Intercax Syndeia subject-matter experts on suggested topics). Not included. 1 (one) 2-day site visit when requested by the subscriber, does not use plan hours. No additional travel expenses. 2 (two) 2-day site visits, when requested by the subscriber, do not use plan hours. No additional travel expenses.
Service Level Agreement *, ** Best effort to triage within 8 hours and to provide recommendation within 48 hours. Triaged to SME within 8 hours and focused attention to provide recommendation within 24 hours. Triaged to SME within 8 hours and focused attention to provide recommendation within 24 hours.
Architectural guidance Not included. Contextual to your use-cases Contextual to your use-cases and may include enterprise architecture mentoring
Third-Party Software Support Strictly limited to applications on which Syndeia depends Interoperability and configuration guidance Interoperability and configuration guidance and troubleshooting
Technical Account Management Not included. Not included. Designated Technical Account Manager proactively monitors your support needs and assists with expedited access to Intercax expertise.
Pricing Included with maintenance subscription and during pre-sale evaluations Contact for details Contact for details
Derivative works ownership All Intellectual Properties retained by Intercax All Intellectual Properties retained by Intercax All Intellectual Properties retained by Intercax
Annual Hours in Subscription Not included. 50 100

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Syndeia® Training Programs
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Why Syndeia

Discover the advantages of Syndeia

Quickly and efficiently build the materials you need to support your
inbound marketing strategy. Drag and drop building blocks including
testimonials, forms, calls-to-action, and more.


Professional Design

Sprocket Rocket lets you transform your rapid prototype into a beautiful design by adjusting every aspect to fit brand standards.

Superior Inbound Material

Sprocket Rocket lets you transform your rapid prototype into a beautiful design by adjusting every aspect to fit brand standards.

Light Years Ahead

Sprocket Rocket lets you transform your rapid prototype into a beautiful design by adjusting every aspect to fit brand standards.

Enhanced User Experience

Sprocket Rocket lets you transform your rapid prototype into a beautiful design by adjusting every aspect to fit brand standards.

Exceptional Customer Support

Sprocket Rocket lets you transform your rapid prototype into a beautiful design by adjusting every aspect to fit brand standards.

Prototype With
Robust Modules

Sprocket Rocket lets you transform your rapid prototype into a beautiful design by adjusting every aspect to fit brand standards.

What is MBSE ?

Modern engineering uses computer models and systems engineering (SE) is following this pattern. The basis of Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) is that the system can be captured in a single unified computer model, a single source of truth from which all required SE views and artifacts can be generated. Good MBSE practices can reduce errors and ambiguity, shorten development times, and improve collaboration between disciplines.

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Ready to start your Digital Thread journey?

Take the first step in your transformation