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Registrations are now open!

Registration for the Syndeia Training Program (Jan–Feb 2025) has closed. However, if you missed the deadline and are still interested in joining the ongoing training sessions, please get in touch with us at We’re here to assist you.
Intercax has always made a major commitment to training Syndeia users in the full range of the digital thread platform’s capabilities. You can access 200+ tutorials with step-by-step instructions, demo videos, and hands-on exercises in a self-paced format.

Program Details and Registration

Registration for the Syndeia Training Program (Jan–Feb 2025) has closed.

New sessions start in Apr 2025. Registrations opens in the 1st week of March. Watch this space for details. Email us at for any additional questions.

The Syndeia training program is free for Syndeia users with an active subscription. If you are evaluating Syndeia or are interested in learning more, please still register and contact us at with details. A series of six classes will be offered at regularly scheduled intervals throughout the year, starting with a one-hour Syndeia Overview session, followed by five two-hour sessions that go into greater depth. Qualifying organizations can send as many of their team members as they choose to the classes they want, selecting from the six available offerings.

Secure Your Spot for an Exclusive Interactive Session

In the interest of the participants, overall class limits may be imposed to ensure adequate interaction between the participants and instructors, therefore we highly recommend registering well in advance to secure your spot. We encourage you to register if you are evaluating Syndeia or are interested in learning more.

Active Syndeia users are covered under the standard support and encouraged to register. Given the demand and class size limits, Silver and Gold premium support and site license customers receive priority access.

If you experience any issues with the registration button below, please contact and we’ll do the rest.

Get your seat

Registrations now Open

All live online classes will only be open to team members at organizations holding Silver and Gold Support packages or Syndeia Site Licenses, who may take any or all of the course sequence. They will need to pre-register individually below.

Registrations are now OPEN for the Syndeia training program starting on August 16th 2023!

Syndeia Overview

Aug 16th, Wednesday
11:00 AM – 1:00 PM EDT
Summary of Content

This course will provide an overview of the Syndeia platform architecture and capabilities, including Syndeia Cloud and Syndeia clients.

Intended for

This course is intended for managers and engineers who need a general awareness of Syndeia’s capabilities and how it can function within a Model-Based Engineering environment.

Register here

Using Syndeia Clients

Aug 23rd – Wednesday
11:00 AM – 1:00 PM EDT
Summary of Content

This course will provide an overview of the Syndeia platform architecture and capabilities, including Syndeia Cloud and Syndeia clients.

Intended for

This course is intended for hands-on users who will be creating connections between different models, including transforming, comparing and updating data across those connections. It is expected that the attendees will be familiar with SysML models and at least one of the following engineering tool domains: PLM, ALM, CAD, requirements, simulation and project management.

Register here

Using Syndeia Cloud

Aug 30th – Wednesday
11:00 AM – 1:00 PM EDT
Summary of Content

This course will focus on the operation of the Syndeia Web Dashboard. Creating connections, viewing and searching the integrated repositories, graph analysis and the Digital Thread Explorer will be treated in depth.

Intended for

This course is intended for hands-on users of the Syndeia Web Dashboard, including engineers and managers responsible for project management and design reviews.

Register here

Installing and Maintaining Syndeia Cloud

Sep 13th – Wednesday
11:00 AM – 1:00 PM EDT
Summary of Content

This course will focus on the installation and maintenance of Syndeia Cloud on on-premises or private cloud servers.

Intended for

This course is intended for the server admins who will be responsible for installing and maintaining the Syndeia Cloud network-based component. It is expected that the attendees will be experienced in server operation, including installation of web services and databases, user administration, and authentication protocols for either Windows or Linux servers.

Register here

Using the Syndeia Cloud REST API

Sept 6th – Wednesday
11:00 AM – 1:00 PM EDT
Summary of Content

This course will provide an introduction to the Syndeia Cloud REST API and how it may be used to access data from both the Syndeia Cloud database and the integrated repositories for project documentation, analysis and workflow automation. Jupyter notebooks will be the primary mechanism for demonstrating this approach.

Intended for

This course is intended for developers who will be accessing the REST API using custom and third-party applications for customer-specific reports, dashboards and visualizations. Familiarity with using Java or Python API clients is required.

Register here

Digital Thread Graph Queries

Sep 27th – Wednesday
11:00 AM – 1:00 PM EDT
Summary of Content

This course will provide practical examples of using graph queries on system digital threads to solve real engineering problems. Users will learn about key concepts in digital thread graphs, formulating queries using the Syndeia query builder and Gremlin query language, and visualizing results. Syndeia Web Dashboard and Jupyter notebooks will be used for demonstrations.

Intended for

This course is intended for system engineers and managers who want to query system digital threads to gather new insights, run analytics for decision making, and verify & validate system models.

Register here

The Syndeia training program is free for Syndeia users with an active subscription. If you are evaluating Syndeia or are interested in learning more, please still register and contact us at with details. A series of six classes will be offered at regularly scheduled intervals throughout the year, starting with a one-hour Syndeia Overview session, followed by five two-hour sessions that go into greater depth. Qualifying organizations can send as many of their team members as they choose to the classes they want, choosing from six available offerings

Syndeia Registration: Secure Your Spot for an Exclusive Interactive Session

In the interest of the participants, class limits may be imposed to ensure adequate interaction between the participants and instructors. So we highly recommend booking the slots well in advance to get your spot. If you are evaluating Syndeia or are interested to learn more we encourage you to register.

Active Syndeia users are covered under the standard support and encouraged to register. Given the demand and class size limits, Silver and Gold premium support and site license customers receive priority access.

If you have any issues with the registration button below, please contact and we’ll do the rest.

Why Syndeia

Discover the advantages of Syndeia

Quickly and efficiently build the materials you need to support your
inbound marketing strategy. Drag and drop building blocks including
testimonials, forms, calls-to-action, and more.


Professional Design

Sprocket Rocket lets you transform your rapid prototype into a beautiful design by adjusting every aspect to fit brand standards.

Superior Inbound Material

Sprocket Rocket lets you transform your rapid prototype into a beautiful design by adjusting every aspect to fit brand standards.

Light Years Ahead

Sprocket Rocket lets you transform your rapid prototype into a beautiful design by adjusting every aspect to fit brand standards.

Enhanced User Experience

Sprocket Rocket lets you transform your rapid prototype into a beautiful design by adjusting every aspect to fit brand standards.

Exceptional Customer Support

Sprocket Rocket lets you transform your rapid prototype into a beautiful design by adjusting every aspect to fit brand standards.

Prototype With
Robust Modules

Sprocket Rocket lets you transform your rapid prototype into a beautiful design by adjusting every aspect to fit brand standards.

What is MBSE ?

Modern engineering uses computer models and systems engineering (SE) is following this pattern. The basis of Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) is that the system can be captured in a single unified computer model, a single source of truth from which all required SE views and artifacts can be generated. Good MBSE practices can reduce errors and ambiguity, shorten development times, and improve collaboration between disciplines.

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