Syndeia® is the digital thread platform for integrated digital engineering. It enables engineering teams to collaboratively and concurrently develop and manage a digital thread for any complex system/product by federating models and data from diverse ecosystems of modeling and simulation tools, enterprise applications, and data repositories. This diverse set of tools and repositories includes, for example, SysML modeling tools (e.g., SysML v2, Cameo, Rhapsody, GENESYS), PLM systems (e.g., Teamcenter, Windchill, Aras Innovator), CAD systems (e.g., NX, Creo), ALM systems (e.g., GitHub, JIRA, GitLab), Project Management Systems (e.g., JIRA), Requirements Management Systems (e.g., Jama Connect, DOORS-NG), Simulation tools (e.g., MATLAB/Simulink), Databases (e.g., MySQL, Neo4j), and in general any enterprise data available via a standard REST API.
Syndeia® provides a rich set of services for building, managing, analyzing, querying, and visualizing digital threads across a system’s lifecycle. Syndeia® builds on various open standards (e.g., REST/HTTP, JDBC, JSON, STEP, OSLC, and FMI), open-source projects and libraries, and production-ready APIs made available by our partners [link to partners].
Syndeia® is an API first platform, making all of its integrations and digital thread capabilities available via a comprehensive REST API. Digital threads woven by Syndeia are scalable, secure, vendor-neutral, and enterprise-ready.
A Digital Thread is a graph whose nodes are artifacts in various enterprise repositories and tools, and whose edges are intra-model relations within each repository and inter-model relations created and managed by Syndeia across the federated repositories. Syndeia enables an extensible and heterogenous mix of enterprise applications and data sources from different vendor ecosystems to be connected via live, scalable, and secure digital threads.
Syndeia Dashboard is a “single pane of glass” for connecting, browsing, and querying all your enterprise repositories and data sources. Add a repository in seconds and deep dive into its content using tree and graph views.
Digital Thread Explorer provides a live graph navigation of artifacts and relations within a repository and the digital thread relations connecting artifacts across repositories. Let's describe it as a "social network" of artifacts that spans enterprise repositories and data sources.
Live analytics to track all repositories and artifacts connected in your digital thread projects, and the growth of digital thread relations over time. Build custom dashboards and analytics using Syndeia API.
Leverage the power of graph queries to ask questions to your digital thread. Build collections of graph queries as “playlists” for your next design review. Sydneia offers an interactive notebook-style interface for building and managing your queries.
Live web-based reports track the status of artifacts, such as Jira tasks and requirements, connected in your digital thread projects. Reports offer different views of your digital thread. Build custom reports using Syndeia API.
Manage baselines of your digital thread projects, such as for design reviews and project milestones in your workflow. Compare baselines to view digital thread changes. Digital thread relations are versioned and track the versioned artifacts at source and target ends.
As an API first platform, all of Syndeia’s capabilities are available via a standard REST API. An API Cookbook with Jupyter notebooks demonstrating the use of Syndeia API, Python client, and leading data science and visualization libraries is is available. Build enterprise apps and dashboard powered by the Syndeia REST API.
Build automation pipelines for model transforms, queries, reporting, and other digital engineering use cases. Use the Syndeia API with leading CI/CD pipeline technology to automate and schedule digital engineering workflows.
Syndeia’s digital threads are live. Compare changes in connected artifacts and their attributes across digital thread relations, and sync bi-directionally. Use custom mappings to control the transform, compare, and sync.
Take the first step in your transformation
Quickly and efficiently build the materials you need to support your
inbound marketing strategy. Drag and drop building blocks including
testimonials, forms, calls-to-action, and more.
Modern engineering uses computer models and systems engineering (SE) is following this pattern. The basis of Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) is that the system can be captured in a single unified computer model, a single source of truth from which all required SE views and artifacts can be generated. Good MBSE practices can reduce errors and ambiguity, shorten development times, and improve collaboration between disciplines.