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From Concepts to Reality

Intercax Pioneers in Engineering

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Digital Threading Services

Organizations trying to accelerate and scale integrated digital engineering for their systems and programs often struggle with architecting digital thread capabilities and workflows. Intercax can help organizations achieve this in the following ways:

  • Identity use cases and bottlenecks for integrated digital engineering
  • Develop a digital thread strategy, from early wins to larger program adoption
  • Identify data silos in the organization that need to be integrated
  • Architect workflows for building and maintaining digital threads
  • Provide managed services for maintaining digital threads
  • Train users in digital thread management, visualization, and queries
  • Work with the IT teams to progressively roll out digital thread capabilities to multiple systems and programs

Digital Engineering Solutions Development Services

Organizations often have stakeholder requirements to develop program or system-specific solutions. Intercax can help organizations build custom solutions based on live digital threads managed by Syndeia, such as:

  • Develop new dashboards to track program cost, risk, and schedule
  • Develop new analytics, such as MoEs and KPPs
  • Develop new live reports that dynamically update based on digital threads
  • Develop capabilities that identify bottlenecks and risks in projects
    Develop new digital thread automation workflows
  • Develop new automation scripts and notebooks using Syndeia Cloud API.

Product Extensions Services

Organizations may often need to integrate home-grown or commercial tools, repositories, or data streams in their integrated digital engineering environments. Although Syndeia provides a Generic RESTful Integration capability for connecting any data repository that provides a REST API, sometimes a dedicated integration, data workflow, or a dashboard may be needed. Intercax can work in collaboration with organizations to develop dedicated integrations, with the goal to include those integrations and capabilities in future releases of the Syndeia platform for long-term support.

Discover More

Explore Syndeia 3.6
Syndeia® Training Program
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Ready to start your Digital Thread journey?

Take the first step in your transformation

Why Syndeia

Discover the advantages of Syndeia

Quickly and efficiently build the materials you need to support your
inbound marketing strategy. Drag and drop building blocks including
testimonials, forms, calls-to-action, and more.


Professional Design

Sprocket Rocket lets you transform your rapid prototype into a beautiful design by adjusting every aspect to fit brand standards.

Superior Inbound Material

Sprocket Rocket lets you transform your rapid prototype into a beautiful design by adjusting every aspect to fit brand standards.

Light Years Ahead

Sprocket Rocket lets you transform your rapid prototype into a beautiful design by adjusting every aspect to fit brand standards.

Enhanced User Experience

Sprocket Rocket lets you transform your rapid prototype into a beautiful design by adjusting every aspect to fit brand standards.

Exceptional Customer Support

Sprocket Rocket lets you transform your rapid prototype into a beautiful design by adjusting every aspect to fit brand standards.

Prototype With
Robust Modules

Sprocket Rocket lets you transform your rapid prototype into a beautiful design by adjusting every aspect to fit brand standards.

What is MBSE ?

Modern engineering uses computer models and systems engineering (SE) is following this pattern. The basis of Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) is that the system can be captured in a single unified computer model, a single source of truth from which all required SE views and artifacts can be generated. Good MBSE practices can reduce errors and ambiguity, shorten development times, and improve collaboration between disciplines.