A key point in this blog series is that multiple engineering software tools play a role in model-based mission engineering. In our example in Figure 1, we posit that CONOPS might begin in a specialized requirements management tool and progress might be tracked in a project management tool. We use Syndeia, the interoperability platform from
In our previous posts in this series, we began the construction of a Digital Thread for integrated model-based mission engineering with our UAF model of IED removal. The power of this approach becomes even more evident as we bring in relations to other models in our SysML, requirements and issue tracking tools. We begin with
The UAF model, implemented here in Cameo Enterprise Architect, provides several standardized views of the mission architecture (Figure 1), starting with Strategic Structure, dropping down to Operational Structure, and finally dropping down to Services Processes. All these relationships fall within the Cameo tool, but extending our Digital Thread to a wider range of tools requires
Consider how we can take some of the tools being developed for model-based systems engineering and ask how they could apply at the mission or enterprise architecture level. Let’s start with the idea of Digital Thread. From a conceptual perspective, it is a complete specification of a system, or mission, created from all the specialized
Intercax is ready to provide short-term evaluation licenses at no cost to organizations looking to apply Digital Transformation to their engineering development. A simple series of steps can make this smooth and successful. Be prepared to provide your full name, organizational affiliation and organizational email. We won’t share it with third parties. We just like
The popularity of Atlassian JIRA for project management has led to Syndeia supporting a wide variety of integration use cases. Organizations working toward Digital Transformation are using JIRA as a repository for status, staffing and schedule and want to share that information across the entire project team. As part of the recent release of Syndeia