2021 – The year in review

Despite a year of serious challenges in the world, Intercax made great strides in 2021. We have been realizing our vision that Syndeia should be about more than tool integration and interoperability; it should be a Digital Thread Platform, a user gateway into the entire system of federated models. We have also been successful as a company, adding new customers and projects and staying at the forefront of MBSE and Digital Engineering technology development.

January 2021 began with the release of Syndeia 3.3 Service Pack 1, with improved LDAP support and enhanced performance. January also saw the publication of the first of many blog posts over the year, with series covering model-based mission engineering, the Syndeia Cloud REST API and Gremlin-language graph queries.

In May, Intercax was awarded a NASA SBIR Phase 2 project, giving us an opportunity to collaborate closely on digital pipelines with several customers, including the NASA Johnson Space Center team working on Artemis and the Gateway missions.

Syndeia 3.4 was released officially in June. The new Syndeia Web Dashboard offered browsing of integrated repositories, graph queries and the Digital Thread Explorer that let users navigate federated models quickly and efficiently. The Syndeia Cloud REST API, fully documented to Open API standards, made these same capabilities available to data science via Jupyter notebooks and DevOps CI/CD applications. Syndeia 3.4 also introduced integrations to Teamwork Cloud, Aras Innovator, GitLab, Bitbucket, Confluence, XML files and SysML v2.

Speaking of SysML 2.0, the revised submissions for the SysML v2 API and Services standard were submitted to the OMG in August and December. Kudos to the team members from many organizations, led by Intercax Chief Systems Officer Manas Bajaj, that are contributing to this important technology development.

The second half of the year saw cybersecurity issues move to the forefront. Driven by external factors like CMMC and Log4j Zero Day Exploit, and our own internal efforts to provide customers with the safest and most secure software, we worked closely with customers and outside experts to minimize open-source vulnerabilities in our technology stack and implement and document cybersecurity practices in our internal digital environment.

Winding up the year, in October Intercax introduced the live online Syndeia Training Program, a five class, ten-hour course covering the full range of Syndeia features including the Syndeia Cloud REST API. This supplements the extensive library of on-line videos and tutorials available to all current and prospective Syndeia users. In November, we completed our first VPAT Audit and Conformance Report.  And in October, customers were notified that Syndeia 3.4 SP1 was available with a number of customer-driven enhancements.

All of this was only possible because of a great team of employees, partners and customers who found ways to collaborate despite the pandemic. We owe enormous gratitude to all of you and wish you a healthy and successful 2022 (and hope to see more of you face-to-face)!

Notable blog posts/series from 2021

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Dirk Zwemer

Dr. Dirk Zwemer (dirk.zwemer@intercax.com) is COO and Co-founder of Intercax LLC (Atlanta, GA), a supplier of MBE engineering software platforms like Syndeia and ParaMagic. He is an active teacher and consultant in the field and holds Level 4 Model Builder-Advanced certification as an OMG System Modeling Professional.