What is Syndeia?
Syndeia is an MBSE interoperability platform developed by Intercax as a framework for building, managing and querying the Digital Thread. It
- enables customers to create connections that access and share information in different engineering models.
- provides an API for analysis and visualization of those models and the connections between them.
What is new in Syndeia 3.4?
Syndeia 3.4 allows Syndeia Cloud to interact directly with several network-enabled model repositories, making it possible to browse, search and connect the contents of those repositories through the Syndeia Cloud REST API. The Digital Thread Explorer™ provides interactive visualization and navigation of the local system graph. Syndeia 3.4 also supports new tool integrations, including Teamwork Cloud, Aras Innovator, GitLab, Bitbucket, Confluence and SysML 2.0.
What engineering software tools are supported?
As of Syndeia 3.4 (release June 2021),
- SysML – CATIA Magic and Teamwork Cloud (CATIA No Magic), Rhapsody (IBM)
- PLM – Windchill (PTC), Teamcenter (Siemens), Aras Innovator (Aras)
- CAD – NX (Siemens), Creo (PTC)
- Databases – MySQL (Oracle), Excel (Microsoft), Artifactory (JFrog), Confluence (Atlassian)
- Simulation – Simulink and Stateflow (The Mathworks)
- Requirements – DOORS NG (IBM), Jama Connect (Jama Software)
- ALM – GitHub (GitHub), GitLab (GitLab), Bitbucket (Atlassian)
- Project Management – JIRA (Atlassian)
- Test Management – TestRail (Gurock), Zephyr Scale (SmartBear)
What do these Syndeia connections enable users to do?
That depends on the tools connected and the type of connection. There are two basic types of connection:
- Reference Connection – creates a version-sensitive traceable link between model elements in different tools. With this link, the user can, for example,
- Click on a SysML activity to open a linked JIRA issue in a web browser
- Check if the issue has been updated since the link was made
- Model Transform Connection – transforms a model structure in one domain into a model structure in another and keeps them connected so that structure, attributes and relationships can be compared and synchronized between the two domains. For example,
- Create a Windchill bill-of-materials from a SysML block structure
- Create a SysML activity model (actions, pins and flows) from a Simulink model
- Copy a requirement hierarchy from DOORS NG or Jama Connect into SysML and allow the attributes of the two versions to be compared and updated
- Create a SysML block from a NX mechanical CAD part and allow the mass, size or surface area parameters to be updated in SysML as the CAD design changes.
For some tool combinations, customers can create and deploy their own model transform mappings, defining how elements and relationships are transformed and what attributes and levels of structure are carried over.
These are only a few examples. Understanding the specific customer use case is critical. Consult with Intercax directly when you get down to those questions.
Can customers add their own integrations?
In general, no. The wide differences between tool data models, API capabilities and integration use cases make a generic “toolkit” difficult to implement. In some cases, file transfer (e.g. via .csv and .xml files) can bridge between tools where no direct integration is available. Intercax works continually with customers to develop new integrations. Contact us to learn more.
What is Syndeia’s architecture?
Syndeia has a hybrid architecture (Figure 1) composed of Syndeia Clients on user machines and Syndeia Cloud, a server-based repository for storage and analysis of connection data. Syndeia Clients include
- Plugins for CATIA Magic (MagicDraw /Cameo System Modeler) or Rhapsody SysML,
- Syndeia Web Dashboard, and
- User-written/third-party applications that access Syndeia Cloud through its REST API.

Figure 1
What is Syndeia Cloud?
Syndeia Cloud offers server-based (on-premise or virtual private cloud) capabilities for storing and querying inter-model connections and accessing network-enabled repository contents. It has a microservice-based architecture and can be accessed by the Syndeia Clients through an open REST API.
How can Syndeia connections be created and updated?
Connections between models can be created and updated manually via the Syndeia Client dashboard using simple menu commands and drag-and-drop operations. In Syndeia 3.4, reference connections can be created via the Syndeia Cloud REST API in some cases.
How can the Syndeia connections be viewed?
Via the Syndeia Web Dashboard, Syndeia Cloud supports graph analysis of the connection data using either the Digital Thread Explorer, Query Builder, or native Gremlin pattern-matching queries. Results can be presented in graphical (Figure 2), tabular and JSON form. Connection data and analysis is also available through the REST API and can be published through a variety of viewers, e.g. Jupyter notebooks and OpenMBEE.

Figure 2
What is the Digital Thread Explorer™?
New in Syndeia 3.4, the Digital Thread Explorer feature in the Syndeia Web Dashboard allows users to interactively explore both intra-model (within a single domain) and inter-model (between domains) connections, beginning from a single model element in any of the domains and expanding selectively as the user requires (Figure 3).

Figure 3
How does Syndeia access the contents of models in other tools?
Through the tool API. Operations to access, compare and sync data between models are not automatic, but must be manually triggered.
Does Syndeia use OSLC?
OSLC is a standard for engineering software tool APIs. Syndeia uses OSLC methods where they exist, are robust, and support customer use cases. Syndeia uses other APIs and other methods where needed; our focus is on making the tools do what the customer needs.
Does Syndeia use XMI?
No. XMI is a mechanism for exporting and importing entire SysML models, but it doesn’t provide a means of connecting individual model elements for access, compare or synch.
How does Syndeia handle security?
Syndeia relies on the other tools’ mechanisms for security and access control, storing a user’s credentials (optionally) and using them to access the model repositories. Syndeia Cloud has its own native access control. Syndeia has accommodated IT environments with a variety of authentication features. Contact Intercax for more information.
How does Syndeia compare with other interoperability platforms like Cameo Data Hub, Jazz or ModelCenter?
There are multiple approaches to connecting different tools for MBSE. There is some feature overlap, but they can also be used in parallel for complementary purposes. The important issue is understanding the customer’s objectives, use cases and desired toolset and finding the right approach to support them.
That being said, Syndeia currently handles a wide range of use cases, tools and tool vendors with a consistent user interface, connection manager and visualizations.
Does Syndeia transform models between SysML tools, e.g. MagicDraw to Rhapsody?
No, it does not support that use case.
Is Syndeia available as a plug-in for the non-SysML tools, e.g. Windchill?
Syndeia is not currently available as a plug-in for any tools but MagicDraw and Rhapsody. The Syndeia Web Dashboard, stand-alone client and Syndeia Cloud REST API provide access for other users.
How does Syndeia licensing work?
Syndeia is licensed by annual subscription based on the number of concurrent client users. Client users (plugin, web dashboard, API) check out a floating license when they are actively using Syndeia. Syndeia licenses include both client and Syndeia Cloud software and include all tool interfaces available with the current release. Alternate licensing options may be available; contact us at info@intercax.com.
Are temporary evaluation licenses available?
30-day node-locked eval licenses are routinely available. Longer-term evaluations are negotiable. Eval licenses come with all commercially available tool interfaces.
What does Syndeia cost?
Contact us at info@intercax.com for pricing information.
How can I learn more about Syndeia?
All Syndeia user guides and training materials are online including over 170+ tutorials and videos. The Intercax website also has extensive resources, including videos, feature list and technical notes. Contact us directly at syndeia@intercax.com. Live web demos are usually easy to arrange.