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Intercax is ready to provide short-term evaluation licenses at no cost to organizations looking to apply Digital Transformation to their engineering development. A simple series of steps can make this smooth and successful.

  1. Be prepared to provide your full name, organizational affiliation and organizational email. We won’t share it with third parties. We just like to know who we’re working with.
  2. Review the online documentation for Syndeia here.
    This provides a detailed review of the software tools and the use cases that Syndeia supports, especially in the Tutorials sections. If you don’t see the functionality you’re looking for, contact us; we may be working on it already.
  3. Decide what you want to install.
    • The full architecture of Syndeia 3.3 consists of one or more Syndeia clients on local computers communicating with a server-based component, Syndeia Cloud.
    • The normal evaluation vehicle is a node-locked license of either the MagicDraw or Rhapsody Syndeia plug-in. These can be installed like any other SysML plug-in. They provide the full integration capability to any of the other tools Syndeia 3.3 supports and store the inter-model connection data as part of the SysML model.
    • If you want to create custom model transform mappings, you will need to request an additional special license to unlock this feature.
    • Syndeia Cloud provides additional functionality
      • efficient and scalable storage of connectivity data when multiple users are working on the same project
      • graph analysis of connectivity data via web browser
      • support of the Syndeia Standalone client
    • Syndeia Cloud is available for evaluation, but is not ordinarily recommended because server-based component installation requires more time and effort from the customer’s IT organization and may not fit in the evaluation schedule.
  4. Evaluate your IT environment
    • Installing a Syndeia client plugin on your computer requires administrator privileges.
    • You will need accounts or licenses of the tools you wish to integrate (e.g. JIRA, DOORS NG, Teamcenter, …). Syndeia accesses those repositories as your proxy.
    • A sandbox rather than a production environment generally works better for quick evaluations.
    • If accessing network repositories (e.g. JIRA, …) requires special authentication or security features, contact us to see if Syndeia supports them.
  5. Set up an account on our online helpdesk and submit your eval license request(s).
    • You will need to provide a MAC address for your local computer (Details here).
    • If you are installing Syndeia Cloud, you will need a separate MAC address for that machine.
    • You should receive a link to download license(s) and software within 2 business days.
  6. Review the online documentation again.
    • Follow the installation instructions in the online User Guide carefully. Some tool interfaces require special files or installation steps.
    • Watch the videos and complete the hands-on exercises from the online Tutorials, at least the introductory section and any sections on specific tool interfaces you will be evaluating. The starter models, profiles, and mappings files needed are downloadable from the Confluence pages. Besides familiarizing you with the tool, these known examples will make it easier for our tech support staff to identify any problems in your installation or workflow.
  7. Complete your evaluation.
    • Submit issues through your online help desk account. This will get them addressed more quickly than email or telephone.
    • Standard eval licenses are for 30 days. It works best if you wait to request the license until you’re ready to actively start the evaluation.
    • Extensions beyond 30 days are possible. Through your help-desk account, request our business development team to contact you. They will want to know about your schedule and any technical issues holding up progress.

The scope of Syndeia’s capabilities can be daunting, but careful preparation and detailed attention to the documentation can lead to the quick and successful conclusion of your evaluation. Give it a try!


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