Syndeia Web Browser – Graph Queries

The value of building a Digital Thread goes well beyond the point-to-point integrations from which it is built. It lies in the ability of all project members to find and access the information they need in any tool, database or repository where it resides. This capability must accommodate real development projects with millions of model elements.


Figure 1 Digital Thread metrics in Syndeia web brow

Syndeia, the MBSE interoperability platform from Intercax, introduces a web browser interface for graphical queries in its upcoming 3.3 release. As before, Syndeia allows users to create connections between model elements in PLM, SysML, CAD, simulation, requirements, and other domains through a variety of plug-in and stand-alone clients. Syndeia 3.3 expands capabilities in all these areas, but for the first time, it also provides a web browser to access the server-based Syndeia Cloud connection database so that the Digital Thread being created can be accessed by any credentialed user. Figure 1 shows the opening view with a columnar display of project metrics: number of artifacts, relationships, and other modeling elements in the graph.


Figure 2 Query Builder, Display all relations between artifacts

Specific queries can be made using either the Query Builder or Raw Query modes. Figure 2 shows a query to display all model relations, entered in Query Builder mode. The display shows forty-three relations (edges) between model artifacts (nodes) in the results, color-coded by domain: red for DOORS NG, green for GitHub, blue for TestRail and gray for JIRA. Right-clicking on any icon opens access to the element itself, assuming the user has access to the repository where it lives. The same results can also be displayed in tabular or JSON output and exported in appropriate forms.


Figure 3 Raw Query, display nodes and edges connected to DOORS NG element, “Object ID Requirements”

More specific queries can be entered directly in the Raw Query mode, using the Gremlin graph query language. Figure 3 is an example of a search for a specific pattern: find a DOORS NG requirement specification named “Object ID Requirements”, find all GitHub issues connected to it and find all other model elements connected to the GitHub issues. The results display the DOORS NG element connected through one or more links to GitHub, JIRA and TestRail elements. The value of such queries is that they can identify the potential impact of a change in one element, for example, a DOORS NG requirement, on elements in other domains.

A new video is available offering a more complete demonstration of the Syndeia web browser and graph query capability –

Check out our website or contact us at to learn more.

Dirk Zwemer

Dr. Dirk Zwemer ( is President of Intercax LLC (Atlanta, GA), a supplier of MBE engineering software platforms like Syndeia and ParaMagic. He is an active teacher and consultant in the field and holds Level 4 Model Builder-Advanced certification as an OMG System Modeling Professional.