
December 15, 2016
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Introduction Every system development project has both product-specific and project-specific considerations: Product-specific includes product requirements (market, technical, regulatory), product function and hardware and software design Project-specific includes organization structure, project requirements, and product development methodology The intersection of these two domains is often the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) which captures the product-specific tasks in the

December 12, 2016

Of all the use cases potentially supported by Syndeia, links between systems engineering and project management are among the most intriguing. With Syndeia 3.0, a new interface to JIRA’s issue tracking repository offers a window into some of these possibilities. JIRA, widely used in agile software development, is organized by project and issue. As well as

December 9, 2016
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As a project moves from architecture definition to component design, new software tools, such as mechanical computer-aided design (MCAD), become part of the engineering process. The impact of component design decisions needs to be continuously evaluated at the system level. The Syndeia interface for PTC Creo supports a number of use cases from either MagicDraw

December 7, 2016

In Part 1 of this series, we explored how Syndeia 3.0 generates global displays of connections between various engineering software tools. While these global displays (e.g. Figure 1) provide a snapshot of graph complexity, some very important use cases require us to trace out chains of individual connections and identify those model elements that may

September 23, 2016
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The Object Management Group (OMG) held its Technical Meeting in Chicago last week, Sep 12-16, 2016. We had the opportunity to present Syndeia at the Systems Engineering Domain Special Interest Group (SE DSIG) meeting on Sep 13. In the presentation, we dived into the motivation and the technical philosophy behind Syndeia – to build a Total System Model that

April 14, 2016
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One area in the biomedical and healthcare domain where MBSE has made significant progress is in medical device design and manufacture. At the same time, device suppliers use modern PLM (product lifecycle management) and CAD (computer-aided design) like other organizations engaged in complex engineering problems. The first figure below shows the SysML structural decomposition of

April 11, 2016
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This blog post introduces the second installment in our series of notes outlining different scenarios for using Syndeia 2.0 to generate, connect, and compare Simulink and SysML models. Part 1 showed how SysML block and activity structures can be used to generate Simulink model reference structures, including both atomic and multi-signal ports. Part 2 will describe how

April 5, 2016

Efficiency in healthcare delivery has long been a target of systems engineering and operations analysis effort. Improvements in emergency room care, for example, can lead to better outcomes and better patient experience while reducing the cost of care. In this post, we apply simple parametric analysis to testing medical facility staffing and supply against requirements,

March 31, 2016

InterCAX and Georgia Tech collaborate to provide a lot of MBSE and SysML training.  After the introductory course on SysML language, new modelers are inclined to ask, “What next?” They are looking for guidance on how to start using modeling for their own work.  They want a process, a methodology, even a template, and these

March 28, 2016

The human cardiovascular system is extremely complex. The heart pumps blood into arteries, which subdivide into a finer and finer network of capillaries that supply oxygen and fuel and carry away waste products from the body’s tissues, and then recombine into veins that return the blood to the heart. A second loop sends blood through