
July 1, 2024
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In this series, we’ve looked at many of the new user features in Syndeia 3.6. We’ll end the series with some important changes to the infrastructure and a brief look at the future. API Extensions All the Digital Thread Project capabilities presented on the web and plugin clients are backed by dedicated endpoints for working

August 17, 2023
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In Parts 3 through 7 of this blog series, we have examined critical metrics associated with the digital thread and their relations with project metrics such as cost, schedule and risk.  We illustrated these with specific queries executed through the Syndeia digital thread platform, captured as a script in a Jupyter notebook. These metrics have

August 11, 2023
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The previous four sections of this blog series have dealt with the characteristics of the digital thread itself and the modeling process. Verification deals with characteristics of the real system that the digital thread models, primarily its performance against requirements. Assuming the results of physical testing, simulation, and analysis are captured within the digital thread,

August 8, 2023
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The digital thread is dynamic. Many of the federated data repositories are configuration-managed, and it is critical for the inter-model connections to be version-sensitive. Consistency of a digital thread implies that the version of a connected data element is the same now as when the connections to it were created or most recently updated. If

July 14, 2022
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The success of digital transformation in organizations developing complex products and systems hinges on rapidly connecting diverse data streams and models across thousands of enterprise tools/services into digital threads. These digital threads form the “information” nervous system of an organization, making it possible to propagate, query, analyze, and present information to decision-makers. Syndeia 3.5 will

June 23, 2022
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As Intercax prepares to roll out Syndeia release 3.5, we’re giving our blog followers an advance look at new features. Part 1 covered Vitech GENESYS, using the Generic RESTful API integration. In this part, we describe Syndeia’s new integration for SmartBear Collaborator. The accompanying video provides an overview of the Collaborator integration using the Syndeia

November 16, 2021
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Syndeia is a digital thread platform for enabling model-based engineering (MBE/MBSE) of complex systems. It provides services to author, query, visualize, and curate open digital threads. Though all of Syndeia’s functionality is accessible via its user interface – Syndeia Cloud Web Dashboard and Syndeia local client Dashboards (SysML tool plugins and Syndeia Standalone) – there