Frequently asked questions about Syndeia.
The latest version of Syndeia is Syndeia 3.6 SP1.
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The RESTful Integration capability makes it possible for any digital engineering repository that provides a REST API to be connected with digital threads. Users can add requests to the REST API endpoints for each service/tool, curate collections of requests, view detailed responses in the Syndeia Dashboard, and connect RESTful artifacts to artifacts in other repositories. In other cases, file transfer (e.g. via .csv and .xml files) can bridge between tools where no direct integration is available. Intercax works continually with customers to develop new integrations. Contact us to learn more.
Syndeia has a hybrid architecture (As shown below) composed of Syndeia Clients on user machines and Syndeia Cloud, a server-based repository for storage and analysis of connection data. Syndeia Clients include
Syndeia Cloud offers server-based (on-premise or virtual private cloud) capabilities for curating digital threads and accessing network-enabled repository contents. It has a API-first, microservices-based architecture and can be accessed by the Syndeia Clients through an open REST API.
Syndeia offers multiple ways to view digital threads in graphical, tabular, and report forms. This includes both the inter-model (between repositories) and intra-model (within repository) relations. For example, the Syndeia Web Dashboard supports the following capabilities.
That depends on the tools connected and the type of connection. There are two basic types of connection:
Understanding the specific customer use case is critical. Consult with Intercax directly to learn more.
Syndeia offers multiple ways to view connections in graphical, tabular and JSON form. For example, the Syndeia Web Dashboard supports
Connection data and analysis is also available through the REST API and can be published through a variety of viewers, e.g. Jupyter notebooks.
The Digital Thread Explorer feature in the Syndeia Web Dashboard allows users to interactively explore both intra-model (within a single domain) and inter-model (between domains) relations, beginning from a single model element in any of the domains and expanding selectively as the user requires (Figure 3).
OSLC is a standard for engineering software tool APIs. Syndeia uses OSLC methods where they exist, are robust, and support customer use cases. Syndeia uses other APIs and other methods where needed; our focus is on making the tools do what the customer needs.
No. XMI is a mechanism for exporting and importing entire SysML models, but it doesn’t provide a means of connecting individual model elements for access, compare or synch.
Cybersecurity is a high priority for Intercax. Authentication and authorization issues include user access to Syndeia, user access to specific digital thread projects within Syndeia, and Syndeia’s access to the federated tools and repositories. Syndeia Cloud has its own native access control, supporting basic, LDAP and SSO authentication, and honors integrated tools’ mechanisms for API-to-API calls. Syndeia has been installed successfully in secure IT environments. Contact Intercax for more information.
Syndeia is an open digital thread platform, creating a Single Source of Truth about the system. It offers both the curation of the digital thread as well as the capability to explore disorganized data to discover what should be, for business or mission purposes, part of a digital thread. The user can access, share, update, query and visualize all information through a single interface.
The important issue in comparing integration approaches is understanding your objectives and finding the right approach to support them. Consider the use cases and tools supported, security, scalability and value. In some cases, Syndeia may be complementary to other integration approaches.
No, it does not support that use case.
Syndeia is not currently available as a plug-in for any tools but MagicDraw/Cameo and Rhapsody. The Syndeia Web Dashboard, stand-alone client and Syndeia Cloud REST API provide access for other users.
Syndeia is licensed by annual subscription based on the number of concurrent client users. Client users (plugin, web dashboard, API) check out a floating license when they are actively using Syndeia. Syndeia licenses include both client and Syndeia Cloud software and include all tool interfaces available with the current release. Alternate licensing options may be available; contact us at
30-day node-locked eval licenses are routinely available. Longer-term evaluations are negotiable. Eval licenses come with all commercially-available tool interfaces.
Contact us at for pricing information.
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