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What is ParaMagic®

ParaMagic® plugin for MagicDraw makes SysML models come alive! By executing constraint relationships in SysML parametric diagrams, systems engineers can run simulations and trade studies for complex systems from concept through final test. Mathematica® and PlayerPro® (Wolfram Research), OpenModelica®, and MATLAB® Symbolic Math Toolbox™ (MathWorks) can be used as math solvers. Links between SysML and Excel® make it easy to import and export data, generate SysML instances, and create reports and generate graphs and charts. Existing models in tools like MATLAB®, Simulink®, and Mathematica® can be easily wrapped as SysML constraint blocks and incorporated in the simulation.

Engineers and analysts used to working on individual spreadsheets now have a collaborative tool to synchronize their efforts using the best model-based systems engineering practices. In both traditional and non-traditional domains of system engineering, users can explore system performance, verify requirements, estimate cost, allocate resources, and keep diverse models in sync. Developers leveraging MagicDraw’s UPDM and business modeling capabilities can add parametric simulation using SysML sub-models for defense planning, business process analysis and computational finance.

ParaMagic® is a registered trademark of Intercax LLC. It is available via our partner Dassault Systemes as part of their CATIA Magic portfolio of products.

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What is MBSE ?

Modern engineering uses computer models and systems engineering (SE) is following this pattern. The basis of Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) is that the system can be captured in a single unified computer model, a single source of truth from which all required SE views and artifacts can be generated. Good MBSE practices can reduce errors and ambiguity, shorten development times, and improve collaboration between disciplines.