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Intercax supports Syndeia, the digital thread platform, with an extensive on-line repository of user guides and tutorials, as well as regular live training courses and webinars. Given the volume of material, more than 200 videos and hands-on exercises covering more than 30 integrations, it is not surprising that certain basic questions and answers can get lost.

Some questions come up repeatedly so I’ve decided to start a blog series to answer a few of them.

What is Syndeia?

Syndeia is a Digital Thread Platform. A Digital Thread, as illustrated in Figure 1, is a path connecting model elements between and within model repositories. A set of threads forms a graph that represents an authoritative single source of truth about a specific configuration of a system.

Syndeia acts as a set of capabilities embedded in your integrated design environment that allow users to securely connect, share, access and analyze data in those model repositories. As a platform, it enables custom solutions for organizations based on their tools, workflows and information needs.

Among those capabilities are model transforms that allow data to be mapped and transferred between specific tools and compared and updated on an ongoing basis. But beyond that, Syndeia is a means for real-time access through a single portal to efficiently-organized system data, supporting project teams to deliver on time, on budget and with first-time quality.


What does a Syndeia subscription include?

The architecture of a Syndeia installation is shown in simplified form in Figure 2. Syndeia Cloud offers server-based capabilities for storing and querying inter-model connections and accessing network-enabled repository contents. It has a microservice-based architecture and can be accessed by the Syndeia Clients through an open REST API. An annual subscription includes

  • Syndeia Cloud with open REST API
  • Syndeia Cameo and Rhapsody plugin clients and Syndeia Standalone client
  • Syndeia Web Dashboard
  • All supported integrations (see list)
  • Full documentation of REST API with Python, Java and JavaScript language clients
  • The Jupyter Notebook Cookbook, a library of digital scripts
  • On-line user guides, tutorials and live training classes
  • On-line tech support

Pricing is based on the number of concurrent users of Syndeia Cloud.


Is Syndeia Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)?

No, Syndeia is not SaaS. Syndeia Cloud is installed on the customer’s servers or private cloud, fully under the customer’s control and under their network security. Intercax provides multiple means for rapid installation, including Ansible, Docker and Kubernetes (contact Intercax for more info); extensive documentation and training for IT administrators; regular releases, service packs and migration utilities; and can provide consulting and managed services under separate contract.

Coming Up

A few more posts on Syndeia FAQs are in preparation for users a little deeper into the technology:

Contact the author ( if there are other questions you would like answered.




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