As Intercax prepares to roll out Syndeia release 3.5, we’re giving our blog followers an advance look at new features. First is the Generic RESTful API integration applied to Vitech GENESYS in the accompanying video
One important aspect of the Digital Thread is the ability to access all the system data, distributed over many models and repositories, through a single interface, a single pane of glass. In 3.5, Syndeia can access any repository with an available RESTful API, including GENESYS.
In the Syndeia Cloud web dashboard, we can create and store repository links to many REST APIs, each holding collections of queries specific to that repository. A collection is a set of requests organized by category. Our video begins with a look at the GENESYS collections for projects, components and requirements.
We exercise some of these queries in a Jupyter notebook, an open source interactive programming environment. The initial cells allow us to load libraries to analyze and display the results and to log into the Syndeia Cloud API, through which we will pass queries to the GENESYS API or any of the other federated tools. I start by entering my Syndeia password and create an access token the notebook will use for the rest of the session.
The first queries are to the Syndeia Cloud database itself, to list all the different RESTful repositories that we have already set up for Syndeia. The result is fourteen, with a list showing name and Syndeia ID. The third, REPO213, is our GENESYS repository. The next query asks for the collections already set up for GENESYS.
In order to send the next requests, the notebook must authenticate into the GENESYS repository with my username and password. These requests will pass through the Syndeia Cloud API and then through the GENESYS API; the results will return on the same path in reverse.
Follow the video to see queries and responses for GENESYS projects, components and requirements. We can even query relationships inside GENESYS to show composition. The tables are formatted using Python’s powerful and flexible display libraries. Keep in mind that we could add more cells with calls to other repositories such as JIRA or Windchill, all using the same Syndeia Cloud REST API portal.
Using the generic RESTful API interface to access GENESYS is the first step in integrating this tool into the Syndeia environment. A more conventional browser tree view in the Syndeia client and cloud dashboards is under development. Contact Intercax to learn more, just click the link.
Check out the video demonstration for GENESYS Integration
Other parts in this series:
Part 1 : Syndeia - Vitech GENESYS Integration (This Part)
Part 2 : Syndeia - SmartBear Collaborator Integration
Part 3 : Syndeia - ESTECO VOLTA Integration