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In our previous posts in this series, we began the construction of a Digital Thread for integrated model-based mission engineering with our UAF model of IED removal. The power of this approach becomes even more evident as we bring in relations to other models in our SysML, requirements and issue tracking tools. We begin with connection to the SysML model of the Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) use for bomb disposal, as illustrated in Figure 1.

The SysML and UAF models are in the same tool, Cameo from CATIA No Magic, which means that the connections between them are managed in that tool. However, it is still valuable to include both of them in the larger Syndeia graph.

Figure 2 SysML and CAD model diagrams for UGV

Our SysML model of the UGV was developed previously, independent of the IED Removal mission. It is quite detailed and has its own Syndeia connections to other tools. One example is shown in Figure 2, where a CAD model of the geometric requirements (lower right) has been generated from a block definition diagram (lower left) that captures features such as range of motion of the two manipulator arms and the keepout zone between them. We have connected the top-level UGV block of the SysML model (top diagram, Figure 2) with a reference association to the UAF Service Specification for the Remote_Unit_Service.  The choice of a reference association was the author’s own. Because UAF incorporates SysML, multiple relationship types could have been chosen.

Figure 3 Graph analysis view of UAF – SysML model connections with annotations

Syndeia is able to extract the internal UAF/SysML relationships from the Cameo Enterprise Architect model and incorporate them in the larger graph. In Figure 3, a pattern-matching query asks for all examples of a connection pattern from Service Function to Service Specification to SysML Block. Only one is returned, which shows the UAF-SysML linkage on the right.

Next Steps

In the final blog of this series, we will add two completely new tools to the graph, Jama Connect as an example of a requirements management tool where the initial mission concept of operations might be developed, and JIRA as an example of a project management tool where activity in the mission model development might be logged to support better collaboration.

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