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Intercax is a leader in helping organizations adopt best practices for Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE). Both by itself and in collaboration with the Georgia Institute of Technology, it has been providing training in MBSE and SysML to working engineers since 2008 in live, onsite and online classes, with 4000+ participants. Intercax is now offering an introductory self-paced and hands-on video course for learning the OMG SysML modeling language using a similar combination of lectures, tutorials, and online quizzes.

Based on our experience, effective training must address two key issues. First, lecture and demonstration are not enough. Hands-on exercises with a real modeling tool, guided by detailed tutorials and videos, are necessary for students to really master the SysML language. Second, the study of terminology and syntax is also not enough. Students must see how all the different parts of a SysML model fit together, and how the SysML model fits into the larger engineering process. Without teaching a specific methodology, the course program builds a single coherent model of an unmanned aerial vehicle system (Figure 1) connecting structure, behavior, requirements and analysis.

MBSE and SysML Training

Figure 1 UAV Block Definition Diagram

Course Purpose

  • To introduce new users to SysML language terminology and notation
  • To introduce the concepts of MBSE and how MBSE and SysML may be deployed as part of the overall system development and engineering process

Course Content

The program is divided into 10 parts:

    • Part 1 - Introduction
    • Part 2 - Blocks and Block Definition Diagrams
    • Part 3 - Starting a Model – Packages and Use Cases
    • Part 4 - Requirements and Sequence Diagrams
    • Part 5 - Analysis - Parametric Diagrams
    • Part 6 - Activities and Activity Diagrams
    • Part 7 - Internal Block Diagrams
    • Part 8 - State Machines and Advanced Interactions
    • Part 9 - Interoperability
  • Part 10 - Deploying MBSE and Model Review

Each part is designed to take 2-4 hours to complete, but the student sets the pace.

For each part, we provide

    • A video lecture
  • A digital copy of the lecture slides

For most parts, we also provide

    • Starter models for the hands-on exercises
    • Final models for the hands-on exercises
    • Video demonstrations for the hands-on exercises
  • Digital files of step-by-step exercise instructions

For each part, we also provide an on-line quiz to test the student’s mastery of the material. Immediate scoring is available. Each student also receives up to two hours of technical support by telephone, email or web conferencing for software installation issues, questions on the course content, or related matters.

This class is not specifically designed as preparation for the OMG Certified System Modeling Professional (OCSMP) examinations, but the course material corresponds very closely with the coverage maps for Levels 1 and 2 certifications and would be a useful part of exam preparation.

Computer and Software Resources Required

Participants are responsible for obtaining licenses (may be temporary) of MagicDraw with SysML and ParaMagic plug-ins for the hands-on tutorial exercises. Students will also need video playback software for MPEG4 files and a web connection for the on-line quizzes.


The cost per student is USD 895. Discounts are available for five or more students purchasing the program. Site licenses are also available for use of the training program. The class may be purchased by purchase order (net 30) or credit card (Visa or Master Card) payment.


Please contact with questions or to make a purchase. The video modules for Part 1 are available for customer evaluation on request.

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