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Excel tables are small, inexpensive databases that are easy to modify for small teams of engineers, and which may contain libraries of components or tables of functions. Many engineering projects utilize tables in Excel that contain much of the same information that is needed by system engineers to model structure and interconnections in SysML. However, as the data is modified in either the SysML architecture model or the Excel table, it can become difficult to track and keep them in sync. Our Syndeia product makes it possible to generate Excel tables/data from SysML, or vice versa, and maintain persistent connections between the two for downstream compare/sync operations.


In our new technote, we will demonstrate three scenarios using our products Syndeia and ParaMagic in conjunction with Excel and SysML models. We demonstrate these scenarios using MagicDraw (No Magic Inc.), but Syndeia is also available for Rational Rhapsody (IBM) and the approach shown here is easily adapted. In the first scenario, Excel tables and their rows will be used to generate SysML blocks and instances, and then will be compared and synced through connections created and maintained between the two. In the second scenario, the reverse will be demonstrated, using SysML blocks and instances to generate a table in Excel. These first two scenarios utilize Syndeia, while the third scenario takes the instances pulled from Excel in the first scenario, and performs parametric roll-ups for mass and cost using ParaMagic.


Stay tuned for more technotes which will focus on other Syndeia capabilities, such as the ability to connect to other tools such as MySQL (Oracle) and Simulink (Mathworks) !

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