Hello Everyone
We are launching this blog today to share with you our latest and greatest ideas and products. We will typically post once per week. You can follow our blog in 3 ways.
- RSS feed - The RSS feed for our blog is http://feeds.feedburner.com/Intercax. If you subscribe to this feed using a feed reader, you will receive notifications for new blog posts and can view all previous posts. You can use a feed reader with your web browser, or as an app for your phone and tablet.
- Chrome - Use RSS Feed Reader extension
- Firefox - Use Live Bookmarks
- Internet Explorer - Use RSS feeds feature. Use the RSS feed link above to search and subscribe.
- iOS and Android (phones and tablets) - You can use Newsify or similar apps. Use the RSS feed link above to search and subscribe.
- Email - You can also receive an email notification for every blog post (typically once a week). Use the "Subscribe by email" link in the right sidebar of our blog page, or email us (address below) your contact information and we can add you to the subscriber list.
- View directly in your web browser - You can always visit www.intercax.com/blog to view all blog posts. However, if you want to receive notifications for new posts use the RSS feed or email subscription methods above.
For any questions or comments, please email info [AT] intercax [DOT] com.
With Best Regards,
Team Intercax