
February 1, 2016

Can you spare 3 minutes to learn about the next generation of systems engineering? Our latest video focuses on real use cases, not technology for its own sake. It describes a realistic world with engineering software tools from multiple vendors, with product data spread out across multiple repositories, and with extended supply chains intent on both

December 20, 2015

The Internet of Things (IoT) holds enormous promise of new capabilities for users and new opportunities for businesses. It also presents enormous challenges to systems engineers. Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) potentially provides an efficient way to address those challenges, being holistic, integrated, flexible and object-oriented. To explore this promise, Intercax has started a series of

December 20, 2015

MySQL (Oracle) databases are widely used in the engineering world to store libraries of components that may be used across many diverse projects. This information is very useful for system engineers composing system architecture models (e.g. in SysML) from reusable building block library elements. A simple import of data is not enough to ensure that values of

November 12, 2015

Excel tables are small, inexpensive databases that are easy to modify for small teams of engineers, and which may contain libraries of components or tables of functions. Many engineering projects utilize tables in Excel that contain much of the same information that is needed by system engineers to model structure and interconnections in SysML. However,

October 16, 2015

The Martian by Andrew Weir (2014) is a great read and now a hit movie. The astronaut hero and the expert SysML modeler have several things in common. First, they have the ability to take a complex system and adapt and reuse its components to new purposes. Second, both do careful calculations of system performance

September 21, 2015

The Internet of Things (IoT) holds enormous promise of new capabilities for users and new opportunities for businesses. It also presents enormous challenges to systems engineers. Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) potentially provides an efficient way to address those challenges, being holistic, integrated, flexible and object-oriented. To explore this promise, Intercax is preparing a series of