
April 12, 2017

Introduction Over the last fifty years, commercial electronics has shown a number of sustained trends: Greater product functionality, supported by advanced hardware, packaging, and software Greater product portability, requiring increased mechanical and thermal engineering attention Greater product interconnectivity, with expectations of spontaneous organization into networks like the Internet-of-Things One result has been a greater stress

April 1, 2017
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Introduction The apocalypse is approaching rapidly, according to a wide variety of media outlets. It is therefore the first responsibility of the systems engineering community to model it correctly. In a technical note published entirely coincidentally on April Fool’s Day, we contribute to that important work. Links to the technical note and downloadable SysML models

March 24, 2017
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Part 1 and Part 2 of this blog series have focused on the SysML models of energy systems (and system-of-systems). In this part (Part 3), we will describe the MBE graphs created when the SysML-based architecture model is connected with discipline-specific models such as CAD models, simulation models, PLM models, requirements model of energy system

March 16, 2017
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Introduction It is common to say that “Everything is a System” or even “a System-of-Systems”, but the consequences of that are becoming increasingly alarming to the energy industry. In cases from the earthquake-triggered Fukushima disaster to (possible) foreign hacking of the electrical grid, the vulnerabilities of the energy supply to the physical, economic and political

March 2, 2017

Introduction The energy industry faces a variety of difficult issues: Multidisciplinary technology encompassing mechanical, chemical, nuclear, electronic, software and other engineering disciplines Need for balance between technological, economic and environmental factors High priority placed on energy system security and resilience to natural and man-made disruptions Because of these challenges, energy system engineers have been early

February 6, 2017
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Intercax is a leader in helping organizations adopt best practices for Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE). Both by itself and in collaboration with the Georgia Institute of Technology, it has been providing training in MBSE and SysML to working engineers since 2008 in live, onsite and online classes, with 4000+ participants. Intercax is now offering an

January 25, 2017
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I recently had a thought-provoking discussion with a Computer-Aided Design (CAD) expert about Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE).  While I was prepared to show Syndeia’s features for connecting SysML models with NX or Creo, his concerns were more fundamental.  First, he pointed out that our examples in the introductory videos were “trivial” and not how people

January 20, 2017
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Introduction In Part 1, we created a SysML model for an IoT product and the system engineering project for developing the IoT product. This model is represented by the gray blocks in the center of Figure 1. Figure 1 Total System Model architecture However, we must recognize that most of the engineering effort takes place

January 18, 2017

In Part 1 and Part 2 of this series, we focused entirely on possible visualizations of inter-model connections, i.e. connections created by Syndeia between elements in different tools. But many use-cases require us to trace connections across the system model where the sequences include both inter-model and intra-model connections. Syndeia 3.0 can show many of these,

January 12, 2017
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Consider a healthcare facility with independent software systems for each department. A system engineer is tasked with developing a message exchange system between the departments based on the HL7 Version 2 standards. She begins by describing the interfaces and content exchanged between departments based on SysML interface blocks. The flow properties of these interface blocks are typed