digital transformation

June 7, 2022
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As Intercax prepares to roll out Syndeia release 3.5, we’re giving our blog followers an advance look at new features. First is the Generic RESTful API integration applied to Vitech GENESYS in the accompanying video. One important aspect of the Digital Thread is the ability to access all the system data, distributed over many models

March 22, 2022
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The data model Syndeia uses for the Digital Thread is a graph, a collection of vertices and edges, each of which can have a name, type and properties (edges can also have a direction). In our case, we have all of those. Referring back to Figure 1, Part 1, the reader can see why this

December 7, 2021
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This series of articles presents stories that promote “tactical graphs”, the use of Syndeia Digital Thread, to make better business decisions. Each article: presents a business scenario, offers a Gremlin-language graph query, states how to execute the query, and then dissects that query. Reading these stories, you may learn how to tailor these queries for