
August 16, 2018

Having established the system domain and high-level objectives of our Electronic Voting System (EVS) in Part 1, the typical next step in systems engineering is requirements process in which we generate the requirements that the system must meet. A common pattern here is that requirements are managed in a specialized requirements management tool like Jama

August 14, 2018

Recently I took the opportunity of the INCOSE International Symposium being in Washington DC to consider how modern approaches to Systems Engineering might impact an issue with political and social implications, specifically electronic voting system (EVS) security. It’s impossible to open the newspaper or turn on the TV without hearing something about election security issues.

August 9, 2018

Recently I took the opportunity of the INCOSE International Symposium being in Washington DC to consider how modern approaches to Systems Engineering might impact an issue with political and social implications, specifically electronic voting system (EVS) security. It’s impossible to open the newspaper or turn on the TV without hearing something about election security issues.

August 7, 2018
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Introduction In this series we have sought to demonstrate how Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) could be applied to designing a railgun (Figure 1) which uses electromagnetic fields to accelerate and launch a projectile at very high velocities. In previous sections, we have described the fundamental physics, then applied the SysML modeling language and Intercax SysML-compatible

August 2, 2018
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Introduction In this series, we have been developing a model for an electro-magnetic railgun (Figure 1). To this point, it has primarily been a descriptive model, capturing concept of operation, requirements, architecture and mechanical and electrical design. However, a key benefit of Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) is that it can couple the descriptive models with

July 31, 2018
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Introduction Railguns (Figure 1) are an interesting combination of electrical and mechanical design, testing the capabilities of Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) to connect these domains. In Part 2 of this blog series, we described the composition of the system and the requirements governing it. In this section, we will create a generalized electrical schematic using

July 25, 2018

Introduction The concept of electromagnetic railguns has fascinated researchers in fields from defense weaponry to space launch. It also provides an interesting demonstration of the power of Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE). In Part 1 of this blog series, we described the basic physics of such a system and used SysML to model the overall concept

July 19, 2018

Introduction The promise of Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) is that we can capture all aspects of a system, including architecture, design, analysis and operations, in a single unified digital model. The challenge is that the development of complex systems requires the use of many different software tools and databases. The objective of this TechNote is

July 9, 2018

On July 9, 2018, Dr. Dirk Zwemer, President of Intercax LLC, gave a presentation at the INCOSE International Symposium in Washington, DC, on “MBSE for Electronic Voting System Security”. The primary objective of the presentation was to support three propositions using the example outlined in Figure 1: Figure 1 Modeling Architecture MBSE can provide a

July 2, 2018
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With Syndeia 3.2, Intercax offers a new capability for user-defined mappings in model transformations. Syndeia, the MBE (Model-Based Engineering) platform from Intercax, enables the creation of a single digital model distributed over multiple engineering software tools. Part of building that total system model may require transforming part of a model in one tool into an