
June 9, 2017

Intercax LLC announced today immediate availability of Syndeia 3.1, the latest release of its Model-Based Engineering (MBE) platform, with integration to Jama Software requirements repositories. Through Syndeia, Jama requirements and test cases can be linked to SysML, PLM, CAD and simulation models, as well as project management issues and configuration-managed software files. Users working with

June 3, 2017

We are announcing a public webinar on Syndeia 3.1, the latest release of our Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE / MBE) platform. MBSE seeks to create a digital system model distributed over multiple software tools and data repositories, allowing users to find, access and share system data across the engineering process. Topic:  In the webinar, we

May 10, 2017

Atlanta has suffered a series of out-of-the-ordinary traffic crises recently. In addition to the opening of a new baseball stadium and pavement buckling in I20, the collapse of an elevated section of highway I85 after a fire broke a major connection between the northern suburbs and central Atlanta, including the Georgia Tech campus.  Intercax fortuitously

May 2, 2017

In Part 1 and Part 2 of MBE for Electronics series, we captured the high-level functional objectives and architecture of our system using SysML and a Model-Based Engineering approach. In this part, we’ll study how the SysML model connects to mechanical CAD (MCAD) and simulation tools through an MBE interoperability platform, Syndeia, and how the graph network of connections

April 21, 2017

Electronic product developers have extraordinarily powerful software design tools at their command, but high-level hardware and software architectures and requirements are often handled more informally. Modern MBE tools can help formalize this part of the process, particularly if they can connect easily to more detailed models as the product design evolves. In this part, we