Intercax introduced the Syndeia interface for Jama Software in May, 2017 and described it in multiple formats, including a blog post and white paper and a webinar. What has been missing is a concise overview to introduce new potential users to the interface features and use cases. We have added an 8-minute video as a resource
Autonomous vehicles (AVs) represent one of the greatest challenges yet to system engineering. Not only are AVs complex systems in their own right, they are potentially part of a larger connected infrastructure of smart roads. Model-based approaches, including SysML modeling, represent a game-changing opportunity to meet that challenge. In this blog series, we shall look
In previous posts, I described multiple types of projects or use cases that system engineers work on and proposed an alternate image to the classic V-model. In Part 3 of this series, I suggested a cyclical spiral of Architecture and Design Synthesis Analysis and Simulation Verification and Validation as a useful representation, what I will
The V-model has long provided a metaphor for the classic systems engineering (SE) process, but it is problematic in the Model-Based Engineering (MBE) context: Figure 1 The Systems Engineering V-model It does not reflect much of the work systems engineers actually do. Of the six generic use cases we described in Part 1 of this
Most MBSE methodologies place emphasis on organizing the model correctly before actually modeling the system, but this task should not be approached too narrowly. First, as we discussed in a previous blog, modeling should encompass both the system under development and the project structure, which includes both process and organization. Model organization should facilitate collaboration
Introduction Axe in hand, I strode into the misty forest, looking for the perfect Christmas tree. As the slushy snow soaked into my shoes, I thought, “I should have modeled this first!” In any project as critical as decorating the house for Christmas, Model-Based Systems Engineering has a lot to offer the serious practitioner. In