Leadership Team

Dr. Dirk Zwemer / President and Chief Executive Officer

Dirk directs Intercax’s business development and marketing efforts. He has over thirty years experience in the electronics industry with Bell Labs, Exxon, ITT, SRI Consulting and other organizations. He is the author of three patents and multiple technical papers, trade journal articles, and market research reports. Prior to joining Intercax, he held positions as VP Technology, VP Operations, and President of AkroMetrix LLC, a leader in mechanical test equipment and services for the global electronics industry, where he was actively engaged in market channel development, advertising and tradeshows, and licensing. He has been the part-time General Manager of Intercax LLC since its inception, in charge of financial, administrative and business development activities. He received a PhD in Chemical Physics from UC Berkeley and an MBA from Santa Clara University.

In addition to directing business development and marketing efforts at Intercax, Dr. Zwemer provides strategic consulting for customers and shows how to apply SysML and model-based systems engineering in a wide variety of domains. He is a certified systems modeling professional (OCSMP Level 4 — Model Builder Advanced) and a member of the Smart Grid Challenge Team within the INCOSE MBSE Initiative. Top

Dr. Manas Bajaj / Chief Systems Officer

Manas directs research and technology development at Intercax, creating innovative solutions for organizations developing advanced complex systems. His industrial and research experience spans over a decade across several organizations including NIST, NASA, Raytheon, Northrop Grumman, Rockwell Collins, IBM, Lockheed Martin, and GE. As a principal investigator, he has successfully led multiple projects, including Phase 1 and Phase 2 SBIR awards. His R&D focus is in the realm of SysML and model-based systems engineering (MBSE), computer-aided design and engineering (CAD/CAE), advanced modeling and simulation methods, and open standards for product and systems lifecycle management (PLM/SLM). He is the originator of the Knowledge Composition Methodology that provides an advanced graph transformation-based approach for simulation-based design of complex variable topology systems.

At INCOSE, Manas is a core team member of three MBSE Challenge Teams – Space Systems, Modeling and Simulation Interoperability, and Smart Grid. He has authored multiple technical reports and peer-reviewed publications (including Best Paper awards), and has presented at leading international conferences and workshops. Manas earned his PhD and MS in Mechanical Engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology, and his B.Tech. in Ocean Engineering and Naval Architecture from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur, India. He has been actively involved in the development, implementation, and deployment of the OMG SysML standard and the ISO 10303-210 standard for electronics, and is a Content Developer for the OMG Certified Systems Modeling Professional (OCSMP) program. He is a member of INCOSE, and a contributor in OMG and PDES Inc. working groups. Top

Dr. Russell Peak / Co-Founder and Partner

Russell is a Senior Researcher at the Georgia Institute of Technology where he serves as Director of the Modeling & Simulation Lab and Associate Director of the Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) Center. Dr. Peak specializes in knowledge-based methods for modeling & simulation, standards-based product lifecycle management (PLM) frameworks, and knowledge representations that enable complex system interoperability. Dr. Peak originated the multi-representation architecture (MRA)—a collection of patterns for CAD-CAE interoperability—and composable objects (COBs)—a non-causal object-oriented knowledge representation. This work provided a conceptual foundation for executable parametrics in SysML and for related technology developed at Intercax.

After six years in industry (Bell Labs and Hitachi), he joined the research faculty at Georgia Tech. Since 1997 he has been principal investigator on 30+ projects with sponsors including Boeing, IBM, JPL, Lockheed, NASA, Rockwell Collins, Sandia, Shinko (Japan), TRW Automotive, US DoC (NIST) and DoD. He has authored over 80 publications (including several Best Paper awards), holds several patents, is an active member in ASME and INCOSE, and represents Georgia Tech on the OMG SysML task force, and is a Content Developer for the OMG Certified Systems Modeling Professional (OCSMP) program. Dr. Peak leads the INCOSE MBSE Challenge Team for Modeling & Simulation Interoperability with applications to mechatronics (including mobile robotics testbeds) as a representative complex systems domain.
