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Syndeia and Building the Digital Thread

Written by Dirk Zwemer | Aug 21, 2020

Describing Syndeia from Intercax quickly and clearly becomes more challenging with each new release. It is both an extensive set of point-to-point integrations between engineering software tools and a means for analyzing, visualizing and documenting all the connections between them, the Digital Thread. In a new video, we offer a whirlwind introduction to Syndeia as a starting point for your evaluation.

The Digital Thread consists of a set of connections, both connections inside each domain model (intra-model) and the connections between models in different repositories (inter-model) that Syndeia manages. The inter-model connections can be anything from persistent traceable links to full model transforms that share artifacts, attributes and relationships between models with compare and update capabilities. Syndeia supports multiple use cases because organizations support multiple approaches to Digital Transformation.

Figure 1 One view of the Digital Thread

How does Syndeia do this? It has a server-based component called Syndeia Cloud resident in either a customer on-premises server or a private cloud, and a series of local clients, including user-written clients, that access it through an open REST API.

Figure 2 Syndeia 3.3 Architecture

In the latest release, Syndeia 3.3, the web browser portal offers powerful graph analysis capability to visualize the Digital Thread. Using pattern-matching queries, users can ask questions such as, “Show all the requirements tied to test cases via the architecture model and code repository”. Scalable databases and rapid search algorithms can deliver answers quickly even for system with millions of model elements.

Figure 3 Syndeia 3.3 graph analysis via the web portal

Explore the possibilities by contacting us at and learn what Syndeia might do for you.