Intercax - Blog

Syndeia 3.5 SP2 Release

Written by Dirk Zwemer | Dec 05, 2023

Intercax is excited to announce the release of Syndeia 3.5 Service Pack 2 (3.5 SP2) with a broad range of enhancements and bug fixes. All Syndeia customers with an active annual subscription or M&S contract can get 3.5 SP2 by posting a request on the Intercax on-line help desk at

One advantage of a standard digital thread platform such as Syndeia, relative to a narrowly customized turn-key interoperability solution, is that hundreds of users are working with Syndeia, testing a wide range of integrations and use cases and providing constant feedback to our development team. The full list of improvements can be found at this link. Here is a short highlight with a few examples.

JIRA and Confluence


 Figure 1 Basic and Bearer options for JIRA repository access


Syndeia 3.5 SP2 adds support for using Personal Access Token with Bearer Authentication when connecting to Jira and Confluence repositories, in addition to username and password which is used for Basic Authentication. On the Syndeia Web Dashboard, users can select between Basic or Bearer Authentication type when connecting (Figure 1).


Syndeia 3.5 SP2 includes more options for working with Streams and Baselines in DOORS NG, including.

  • Improvements and bug fixes when searching for artifacts in DOORS NG projects where Configuration Management is enabled (CM Enabled),
  • Enhancements in fetching attribute definitions of DOORS NG artifact types in CM-Enabled projects when creating custom mappings in Syndeia Clients (Cameo/Rhapsody plugins) for model transformations,
  • Improvements in fetching attribute values of DOORS NG artifacts in different configurations (streams and baselines) of CM-Enabled projects during models transforms with custom mappings



Figure 2 Teamcenter Active Workspace login


Syndeia 3.5 SP2 allows users to specify the Active Workspace server URL separately from Teamcenter repository/server URL. Syndeia connects directly with the Teamcenter server and allows users to open items in Teamcenter Web Client, Rich Client, or Active Workspace. Prior to this release (Syndeia 3.5 SP2), the Active Workspace server host was constrained to be the same as the Teamcenter server host with an alternate port. This limitation is now removed in Syndeia 3.5 SP2. A separate host URL can be provided for the Active Workspace server, as shown in Figure 2.

Other Changes

Users will find other enhancements and bug fixes related to

  • Aras
  • Artifactory
  • GitHub
  • GitLab
  • Jama Connect
  • Windchill
  • Zephyr Scale
  • Improvements in Syndeia Cloud management and documentation.

Syndeia 3.6, coming soon, will offer dramatic changes in how users interact with the digital thread. Keep watch on our blog page for some introductory peeks at some of the exciting new features.