As part of building a standard Digital Thread platform, Intercax has accompanied each new feature of Syndeia with new tutorials and video demonstrations. As the number of individual training elements approaches 200, we have been reorganizing our training program to help users achieve good operating performance with minimum time and labor.
With this objective, we have prepared a short video as an introductory guide to our online training materials.
All of this material is fully open to the public and can be accessed here -
Figure 1 Syndeia 3.4 Overview on Confluence
The video uses a diagram (Figure 2) to suggest the best learning path, depending on how the student intends to use Syndeia. The path will depend on the user’s role.
Figure 2 Choosing the best learning path
The video includes a few broad recommendations. First, invest the time in the training materials. View the video demonstrations and do the hands-on exercises. The Digital Thread is complex because the data is so heterogeneous. The tutorials provide an understanding of the data models and idiosyncrasies of the different repositories and will speed your progress. Second, check back regularly. The Confluence site with Syndeia training materials is constantly being added to. Segments on the REST API for Jupyter notebooks, optimizing graph queries, and installing SynCld are all in progress. The Intercax blog is a good place to find announcements of the latest additions.