Intercax - Blog

New Video: Introduction to Syndeia, the Digital Thread Platform for Model-Based Engineering

Written by Dirk Zwemer | Jul 20, 2021

We have posted a new 6-minute video, “Syndeia: Digital Thread Platform for Model-Based Engineering”, to our home page. While primarily intended for newcomers to Syndeia, it may also help those already familiar with the platform to appreciate how the thinking behind it has changed.

First, we are calling Syndeia a “Digital Thread Platform”. While interoperability, the ability to link and share data between specific tools, remains an important aspect of Syndeia’s functionality, its ability to build a total system model and make all of that data available in real-time through a single user interface has become equally critical.

Second, the core of Syndeia is now Syndeia Cloud, an API-first, microservices platform. The Syndeia Cloud REST API is open and well-documented, supporting both the clients we provide and third-party applications for data science, document generation,and workflow automation. In the video, we demonstrate a new feature, the Digital Thread Explorer™, part of the Syndeia Web Dashboard, which allows interactive tracing of connections both within and between the domain engineering models. We also demonstrate using a Jupyter notebook to query and plot system model data with a versatile data science application.

This video can be a first step in implementing a practical digital thread with Syndeia. More information is available on this website and full documentation can be accessed online.