Intercax - Blog

Syndeia and JIRA

Written by Dirk Zwemer | Sep 03, 2020

The popularity of Atlassian JIRA for project management has led to Syndeia supporting a wide variety of integration use cases. Organizations working toward Digital Transformation are using JIRA as a repository for status, staffing and schedule and want to share that information across the entire project team.

As part of the recent release of Syndeia 3.3 training materials, Intercax has published two new video demonstrations, one for JIRA and MagicDraw from Dassault Systemes, one for JIRA and IBM Rhapsody.

JIRA - MagicDraw


JIRA - IBM Rhapsody

Some of the use cases demonstrated are

  • Reference Connections
    • Model elements in any of the tools supported by Syndeia can be connected to JIRA issues by Reference Connections, persistent links that provide access and detection of version changes
  • Generating JIRA issues from SysML
    • Syndeia can generate new JIRA issues by pushing block, activity or requirement hierarchies into JIRA. Each issue keeps a Reference Connection back to the original element in SysML.
  • Model Transform Connections with Default Mappings for SysML-JIRA
  • Model Transform Connections with Custom Mappings for SysML-JIRA
    • Model Transform Connections from SysML to JIRA or JIRA to SysML not only generate new elements in the target model; they share artifact types, attributes, and relations with compare and update capabilities, using either default or user-configurable mappings.
  • Model Transform Connections for JIRA-GitHub Issues
    • Syndeia is designed to handle Model Transforms outside the SysML umbrella and these features are being rolled out incrementally. We demonstrate one such use case, between JIRA and GitHub issues.

Syndeia also supports other applications on the Atlassian platform, including TM4J, a test management solution from SmartBear, and Confluence (upcoming Syndeia 3.4 release). Learn more at, including full on-line access to Syndeia’s user guide and training materials, and request an eval license from our helpdesk.