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Syndeia 3.3 Documentation and Training

Written by Dirk Zwemer | Aug 24, 2020

Intercax has made its entire Syndeia documentation package available online in Confluence, not only for license holders, but for anyone who wants to learn more about Syndeia and how it can build the Digital Thread. With the release of version 3.3 on July 30, it has been extensively revised, with over 80% new and updated material.

Syndeia documentation falls into two categories, User Guide and Tutorials. User Guides are provided for Syndeia Cloud, Syndeia plug-ins for MagicDraw and Rhapsody, and the Syndeia Standalone application. The Syndeia Cloud section has major sections on

  • Deployment – Detailed instruction for Set-up, Start-up, Testing, User Management and Maintenance of Syndeia Cloud, its components and services, on both Windows and Linux server platforms, everything your server admin needs to get started
  • REST API Documentation for Developers – The Conceptual Model and interactive Swagger documentation cover the entire Syndeia Cloud REST API, along with a Python 2/3 client that can be used to access Syndeia Cloud from Jupyter notebooks and other user-configured applications.

The Tutorials include over 82 videos and 139 exercises, accompanied by more than 27 downloadable sample models, profiles and mappings files.  This level of content is not a reflection of the complexity of using Syndeia, but of the wide range of tool interfaces and use cases that Syndeia supports. They are organized by Syndeia client type (standalone, MagicDraw and Rhapsody plug-ins) and tool interface (JIRA, Teamcenter, Windchill, DOORS NG, etc.) so the new user can go right to the most important topics.

The videos are viewable from our Confluence pages or directly from our Youtube channel. As an example, view the video below to see how to use the Query Builder feature of our new browser-based graph analysis to generate simple analyses of the connection data.

The hands-on tutorials include step-by-step instructions with numerous screenshots to carry out basic operations for each integration, with the sample models and other components necessary to lay the foundation. Here is an excerpt from the instructions for building a custom mapping between SysML and TM4J, a test management solution from SmartBear:

Having the documentation on-line enables Intercax to continually add and update material as Syndeia’s capabilities grow. If the tutorials intrigue you, it’s easy to try it out for yourself. Request an eval license from our on-line helpdesk at