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What’s New in Syndeia 3.3?

Written by Dirk Zwemer | Aug 19, 2020

Syndeia 3.3, released 7/31/20, extends capabilities in three important areas:

  • Syndeia Cloud Web Interface
  • New Tool Interfaces
  • User-Defined Mappings with Relationships

In a new video, we offer a quick introduction to these new features.

Syndeia Cloud has transitioned to a robust micro-services-based enterprise architecture that supports more of Syndeia’s functionality, including the connection database and visualization. As part of that transition, Syndeia Cloud now has a web interface that enables any team member to view the Digital Thread through a standard dashboard and through specific graph queries that trace extended chains of connection between requirements, function, structure and analysis.

Figure 1 New Features in Syndeia 3.3

Interfaces to three new engineering software tools are now available with Syndeia 3.3: test management solutions TM4j and TestRail and digital artifact repository Artifactory. These are in addition to improvements and updates of many of the existing interfaces Syndeia supports.

Custom mapping for model transforms was introduced in Syndeia 3.2. This enabled users to configure and deploy their own mapping between model artifacts, using standard or custom types.  In 3.3, this has been extended to mapping relationship types as well. Complex structures with multiple relationship types can be transformed, compared and updated exactly as the users’ workflow requires.

Syndeia license holders with active subscriptions or M&S agreements can get 3.3 on request. If you are new to Syndeia, contact us at  or request an eval license at