Just as testing is an important part of the system development, the test software package is an important part of the project software architecture. In our example, test management is handled by TestRail (Gurock Software GMBH). The general schema for TestRail is shown in Figure 1.
A Test Suite is composed of a set of Test Cases, which contain a description of a method for testing a specific aspect of the system. When all or part of a Test Suite is carried out on the system at some stage in its development, the result is a Test Run, composed of individual Tests with a result of pass, fail, blocked or untested. An example of a Test Run is shown in Figure 2 in its web browser interface. There can be multiple Test Runs of each Test Suite, just as there can be multiple Tests of each Test Case. Test Runs are also associated with Milestones, targets for a particular stage of system development, and can track progress toward achieving that Milestone.
The structure of the Syndeia connections to TestRail will depend on the needs and workflow of the project. A possible example is shown in Figure 3, where three separate sets of connections to TestRail elements are supported.
In Part 9 of this series, we will look at system structure and analysis, federating the architecture model in SysML to PLM and simulation tools. The final part will demonstrate how graphs and pattern matching query languages provide efficient access to even very large system models. The SysML models in MagicDraw and IBM Rhapsody will be made available for download with Part 10.
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