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Intercax Announces Syndeia Interface to Jama Software

Written by Dirk Zwemer | Jun 09, 2017

Intercax LLC announced today immediate availability of Syndeia 3.1, the latest release of its Model-Based Engineering (MBE) platform, with integration to Jama Software requirements repositories. Through Syndeia, Jama requirements and test cases can be linked to SysML, PLM, CAD and simulation models, as well as project management issues and configuration-managed software files.

Users working with SysML models in MagicDraw or IBM Rational Rhapsody can connect to multiple Jama repositories, drag and drop SysML requirements to Jama repositories, and vice versa, and synchronize requirement structures and attributes. Systems engineers and others can use the SysML environment to develop the system architecture while Jama’s advanced platform handles requirements and test case management.

“Customers have been asking for a Jama integration,” said Dr. Dirk Zwemer, President, at Intercax. “Jama’s software appeals to the same leading edge practitioners of systems engineering as Syndeia and bringing it into our ecosystem is an exciting development.”

In addition to Jama, Syndeia offers interfaces to Siemens Teamcenter and PTC Windchill PLM, Siemens NX and PTC Creo CAD, Simulink/Stateflow (The MathWorks), GitHub (GitHub), JIRA (Atlassian), MySQL (Oracle) and DOORS NG (IBM). With a powerful back-end database for connection management and expanded visualization and query capabilities, the Syndeia 3.1 release is an important step forward towards a scaleable enterprise application for MBE.

“Jama Software has demonstrated that we are an ideal fit for System Engineering teams building the world’s most complicated products,” said Jennifer Jaffe, vice president of pProduct at Jama Software. “With the integration to Syndeia, our customers can take advantage of Model Based Systems engineering tools rapidly gaining popularity.”

Interested parties can contact Intercax directly or work through their Jama Software account manager to arrange a demonstration or evaluation of Syndeia with its full range of interfaces.

About Intercax

Intercax helps organizations adopt best practices in Model-Based Engineering. Working closely with government agencies and companies in defense, aerospace, automotive and other fields, Intercax provides standard and custom software for integrating their engineering processes, as well as training and consulting. The company, originally a spin-off of the Georgia Institute of Technology, is headquartered in Atlanta, GA. For more information, visit

About Jama Software

Jama Software is the definitive system of record and action for product development. The company's modern requirements and test management solution helps enterprises accelerate development time, mitigate risk, slash complexity and verify regulatory compliance. More than 600 product-centric organizations, including NASA, Thales and Caterpillar use Jama to modernize their process for bringing complex products to market. The company is headquartered in Portland, Oregon. For more information, visit

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