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Syndeia presentation at the OMG Technical Meeting, Chicago, Sep 2016

Written by Manas Bajaj | Sep 23, 2016

The Object Management Group (OMG) held its Technical Meeting in Chicago last week, Sep 12-16, 2016. We had the opportunity to present Syndeia at the Systems Engineering Domain Special Interest Group (SE DSIG) meeting on Sep 13.

In the presentation, we dived into the motivation and the technical philosophy behind Syndeia - to build a Total System Model that spans organizational, repository, discipline, and tool boundaries and to use this as a blueprint to drive model-based systems engineering. We followed it with a detailed demonstration of the latest capabilities in Syndeia. The demonstration uses an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) as a representative system.

Syndeia serves as an example of a system modeling environment that is driving the formulation of requirements for the SysML 2.0 standard at the OMG.

We are excited to share both the presentation deck and the demonstration video. We would love to hear from you. Send your questions and comments to info AT intercax DOT com.

  1. Download Presentation
  2. Watch Demonstration Video (YouTube)