Intercax - Blog

Syndeia for MBE / MBSE in 3 mins

Written by Manas Bajaj | Feb 02, 2016

Can you spare 3 minutes to learn about the next generation of systems engineering? Our latest video focuses on real use cases, not technology for its own sake. It describes a realistic world with engineering software tools from multiple vendors, with product data spread out across multiple repositories, and with extended supply chains intent on both sharing and protecting their data. It envisions a world where PLM, ALM, CAD/CAE, simulations, data, projects, and requirements connect, orchestrated by a system architecture model that serves as a blueprint for the entire system. Where engineers and managers anywhere in the process can trace the threads tying their work to everything that affects it and everything affected by it.

Syndeia is a software platform for MBE/MBSE that can make any or all of this happen. Watch the video, and, if you’re intrigued, contact us. We can demonstrate the product with the tools you use, answer questions, and even set you up with an evaluation license.