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MySQL databases with SysML models and rollups

Written by Rose Yntema | Dec 20, 2015

MySQL (Oracle) databases are widely used in the engineering world to store libraries of components that may be used across many diverse projects. This information is very useful for system engineers composing system architecture models (e.g. in SysML) from reusable building block library elements. A simple import of data is not enough to ensure that values of key parameters such as mass and cost stay in sync, so that all team members remain on the same page when using different software.  For instance, the database may be updated with new cost or mass values from the manufacturer of externally sourced components, or the systems engineer may update the requirements for an in-house component in SysML that will need to be reflected in the database. Syndeia solves this problem by maintaining connections between these two worlds.

In this technote, we will demonstrate three scenarios using MySQL databases in conjunction with SysML models. We demonstrate these scenarios using MagicDraw (No Magic Inc.), but Syndeia is also available for Rational Rhapsody (IBM) and the approach shown here is easily adapted. In the first scenario, MySQL tables and their rows will be used to generate SysML blocks and instances using Syndeia, simultaneously creating persistent connections between them. These connections will then be used to compare and bi-directionally sync changes made to both sides. In the second scenario, the reverse will be demonstrated, using SysML blocks and instances to generate a table in MySQL. In the third scenario, we will show how to build parametric mass and cost rollups in SysML for the components and values that were seeded from the database in the first scenario, and solve them using ParaMagic (Intercax). Syndeia also provides a simple way to search MySQL repositories, for users with no prior knowledge of SQL, as well as advanced search capabilities using SQL queries.

Compare and Sync SysML and MySQL data using Syndeia

SysML parametric model for system cost and mass rollup using MySQL data

Execution of parametric models for cost and mass using ParaMagic

Syndeia provides capabilities for simple and advanced MySQL search


Stay tuned for more technotes which will focus on other Syndeia capabilities, such as the ability to connect to other tools like Simulink (Mathworks) !