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Case Study: A SysML Parametric Model Simulation of Gas Turbine

Written by Manas Bajaj | Apr 27, 2015

G as turbines are common components in systems for flight and power generation. A whitepaper developed by Dr. Dirk Zwemer (Intercax) and Nidal Kochrad (Université de Sherbrooke) titled “Case Study: A SysML Gas Turbine Parametric Modelillustrates how to model and analyze a gas turbine using SysML. The whitepaper shows the use of SysML parametrics to model the performance of a gas turbine. ParaMagic® - the SysML parametric solver from Intercax - is used to execute the performance model and run trade studies using Wolfram PlayerPro as a math solver.

This model could be used as a building block in a larger system model, such as for computing speed and range of an aircraft that uses gas turbines, or to compute the power output of an electrical system that uses gas turbines with other power generation units.

The example illustrates how SysML and ParaMagic® can be used to model and simulate systems from the earliest stages, such as by computing key performance measures, performing design trades, and improving our understanding of how a system may behave in a complex, evolving environment in a larger system-of-systems.

Download the whitepaper (PDF).


Gas Turbine



Gas Turbine structure shown using SysML BDD



SysML parametric model relating turbine work and output
         temperature and pressure to other key parameters.



Using ParaMagic for SysML parametric model simulation -
calculating work output, work ratio, and efficiency of the gas turbine