
June 6, 2019

A regular challenge in developing complex systems is integrating requirements with mechanical design. When requirements governing system geometry are in text form, they are often easy to misinterpret. Sketches and other images may be simpler, but they are not model-based. Our objective is to pass requirements to the design engineer in a clear, model-based way,

May 2, 2019

When we build a Digital Thread by sharing information between federated models, the question regularly arises, how do we determine which is the master repository for each type of data? Syndeia, the MBSE interoperability platform from Intercax, does not pre-define this. Syndeia is a flexible set of services for connecting, accessing and sharing models between

April 25, 2019

The phrase “Digital Thread” is ubiquitous in modern engineering, but newcomers may find it hard to find answers to What is the Digital Thread? Are there real commercially-available solutions? How will it benefit my organization? Enterprises have many software tools and databases and system data is distributed across them. At the same time, these organiztions

February 8, 2019
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Our structural model of the urban system is shown in Figure 1, with the overall system treated as a set of subsystems providing resources and/or services: utility, transportation, public services, etc. The Residential Subsystem, for example, provides labor as a service to other services. Each of these subsystems is further decomposed, i.e. utilities include water

February 7, 2019
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Our structural model of the urban system is shown in Figure 1, with the overall system treated as a set of subsystems providing resources and/or services: utility, transportation, public services, etc. The Residential Subsystem, for example, provides labor as a service to other subsystems. Each of these subsystems is further decomposed, i.e. utilities include water